Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Are you alone or forsaken?

Forsaken what a lonely word. Forsaken defined means, deserted or abandoned. There are thousands of people in this world who have been forsaken in their lives. Whether it happened as a child by losing a parent through death, abandoment, or rejection, it feels the same. Lives are sometimes scarred forever.

“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Those exact words were used twice in biblical times. David, the man “after God’s own heart cried those words out to God in anguish in Psalms 22:1 (NIV) when He felt God had left him, and he felt God was so far removed from him. Those exact words were said again in two of the four gospels. In Matthew 27:46 when Jesus, after hanging on the cross for many hours cried out to God, ” …my God, my God, why hast though forsaken me?” God had made the final move, laying the sins of the entire world upon Jesus’ shoulders in order that He could carry them to the bowels of Hell, leaving them forever, never to be remembered again.

What anguish was felt by both David and Jesus Christ. They felt, in those moments, God had abandoned them, left them in their time of such distress and physical and emotional pain. But, God was there!

Do we forsake God today? Yes, many times. Does God forsake us? No! He does all he can to teach us to remain close to Him. He will heal our wounds, soothe our pain, and wipe away our tears. When we have been forsaken by all, He is there to carry us through the tough times. But, we must have faith and believe that He is a “constant” in our lives. If we live our lives by faith and not by sight, we will never feel alone or forsaken. When you need someone to talk too, He is there. When we need a shoulder to cry on, He is there. When we think we have been abandoned or forsaken, He is there.

We may forsake God many times while we walk through life, but He is always standing there, waiting for us to turn and take His hand again and continue our journey toward heaven. If we miss heaven, we have missed it all. What is the reason for living if all we have to look forward too is darkness, intense pain beyond belief, and an eternity of finally calling on the name of the Lord, when then it is too late. Remember, “every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess” that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, Philippians 2:10-11 (NIV)

Think about this today as you continue your daily walks in this world. Have you abandoned God? Are you in the desert, or are you in the oasis of God? The choice is always there for us. If we take up our cross and follow Christ each day, abandoment and the feeling of being forsaken will be gone forever.

by yesvirginiathereis

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