Sunday, 1 July 2012

He Remains a God of Miracles

I was strictly raised in the Holiness faith. Taught to stay far away from worldly things which were sinful. As far as I can remember, during my pre-teen years, I never desired to participate in the sinful activities many others of my age group were already involved in.

One thing I knew, I was loved by God and I was loved by my family. That was enough for me.

Entering into my teen years I began drifting into things I knew I should stay away from and the more I drifted the more rebellious I became. Peer pressure began winning me over and I begin feeling it wasn’t fair that I was restricted from the things all my school mates and friends were enjoying.

I can’t remember a night during my childhood when I didn’t hear my mother praying for her children. She would pray in the Spirit and she would pray in understanding. She wanted assurance from on high all her children would be saved.

Mother was a woman of faith. God said He would supply all her need and she believed God. I remember one time her washing machine broke down. She couldn’t afford to have it replaced or repaired. So mother did what mother knew how to do. She prayed while laying hands on that washing machine and as far as I know that washing machine was still working many years later when she went to be with the Lord.

Through the years she suffered with health problems on and off. This woman of faith would press in believing her Redeemer would heal her. I witnessed her healing over and over again from various illnesses and afflictions.

My eldest brother enjoys telling about her last healing. She had suffered for many months with some form of arthritis. She had gotten so bad all she could do is sit all day in terrible pain. She had faded away to skin and bone. There was a tent revival scheduled some 30 miles from where she lived and mother told my brother, “I’ve got to go to this revival.” He questioned the wisdom in that seeing as how she was near totally immobilized by the disease and in so much pain. He was sure she wouldn’t be able to handle the trip much less sitting in fold up chairs under a revival tent in the heat. She told him, “I have to go, God told me to go.” So he gave in and took her. He glows and tears up even now, many years later, when he talks about this. They went in, sit down, and waited. With the first sound of the organ God’s Holy Spirit fell on our mom and she jumped up out of her chair praising the Lord. She sang and danced the entire worship service, came home completely healed, and never was affected by that disease again. Praise God, I am so thankful. To God be all the Glory!!!

Mother went to be with the Lord in 1996. The family was gathered at her house. A bunch of us were on the front porch when my nephew arrived. He walked up the steps and I’ll never forget his words: “The devil couldn’t take Grandma by disease, she had too much faith, so he had to do it this way.” A few days earlier she was out by the roadside checking her mail when a van ran veered off the road running over her.

All my life God has been with me. I have been healed of many things and I have always known, even during my years of rebellion, His protection was about me. I’m sixty four years old now and I still lift my hands and voice toward heaven and thank God for my faithful mother who prayed me into the Kingdom of God. Not only me but all my siblings as well. Our faithful God answered another of her prayers. All her children are born again Christians.

Sadly, there are many in the Church today who are denying the power of God in their lives, bucking up in denial with any mention of Holy Spirit manifestations in other assemblies or in the lives of other saints. Most of these people, through the years, have been hurt by impostors. My heart weeps for them.

There is a reason we testify in church. It is to build the faith of believers and unbelievers alike. Everyone of us who God has blessed through manifestations of His Spirit should be looking for opportunities to tell others all about what God has done in our life. Can you think of a better place to give God glory through your testimony than here on CB? You testimony will reach the world and will forever be in the journals of cyberspace. Give God Glory Saints!!!! Tell others all about the wonderful things He has done in your life.

God may use your testimony in changing a few hearts who have been hardened. Who knows what might be the igniter of a coming revival? You, through your testimony, could be the very one God uses in ushering in much needed refreshing in His Church. Maybe even healing for others who have been hurt by impostors. Your sincere heartfelt testimony will build faith in others. You hear His Voice in your spirit. Obey Him … Boldly tell everyone what God has done for you and your loved ones.

Praying each one of us do our part. The part His Voice is calling us to do. You can hear Him as can I.


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