Sunday, 8 July 2012

Peter's gift

Read : Luke 5 vs 1- 8
The bible passage above is a very popular story about Peter . He had fished all night and caught nothing ,while he was washing his nets Jesus paid him a visit. Later Jesus asked him to let down his net for a catch and he obeyed. He caught so much fish his nets began to break.
When we carefully study the above passage , we will notice that before Peter received his breakthrough there was an exchange. Peter parted with something to get his blessings. Many a times,when we hear of giving and  what comes to mind is money - offering and tithes . It is not only about money , there are things God wants you to give to Him that are more of value than money and I pray that as you read along , the Holy Spirit will inspire you in Jesus name.Amen
Looking at Luke 5 vs 1-8 , Peter gave five things to Jesus in exchange for his breakthrough. The things he gave came at a cost . David says in 1 Chronicles 21 vs 24 , I will not offer burnt offerings with that which costs me nothing. David knew the essence of giving a costly gift to God no wonder by the time we get to 1 Chronicles 21 vs 26 we see God answering from heaven by fire on the altar of burnt offerings. God was so pleased with the offering that He sent fire from heaven to consume the offering.
The first thing Peter gave was his time . Time Is one of the most valuable resources. Business moguls will tell you time is money. Time is so important God works in it . Genesis 2 vs 2 says and on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. The Lord created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This is an example of God working in time. When we study the whole bible we see God working in time and with time. Time is so crucial, when the mother of Jesus told Him the wine had finished , He replied My hour has not yet come -John 2 vs 1-11.
When Jesus got into the boat in Luke 5 vs 3 , He began to teach the multitude from the boat.Meanwhile Peter had fished all night and he needed rest but instead of going home to rest, he stood with Jesus . While Jesus was teaching , he was awake on the boat to carry out instructions for Jesus , spending time with Jesus. The time he could have used to do a million and one things , maybe visit his family , friends, look for other means of getting money , complain about he tried all night and caught nothing or sleep but he gave it to Jesus .It was a very inconvenient time for Peter because he was tired and exhausted. Anyone who is wants a mega breakthrough must be ready to first give their time to Jesus. Brethren God needs our time for a lot of things, for evangelism, for caring for the sick,poor and widows , for interceding , for praying , for praising Him. God will always reward every second we spend for Him. A few minutes with God can solve a life long problem. God is only ready to spend time with us when we spend time with HIM.
Another thing Peter gave was his boat . We all know that the most important thing to a fisherman is his boats. Peter's boat was a prized asset to him but He had to let go off it to Jesus. The question is this if Jesus decides to borrow your house , will you lend Him? We know our Lord is rich, Haggai 2 vs 8 says silver and gold belongs to Him,Genesis 14 vs 22 calls Him the Possessor of the heavens and the earth, Psalm 24 vs 1 says the earth is the Lord's and all its fullness. To enjoy God and His abundance we must be ready to part with our prized possessions. Because Abraham was willing to part with Isaac- his only son , God swore to him , He said in blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the sea-shore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies- Genesis 22 vs17. You want God to bless you beyond limits , be ready to part with your prized possession. The widow of Zarapheth gave her last meal and the Lord fed her through famine – 1 Kings 17 vs 7-16.
Another thing Peter gave was strength. We all know that after fishing all night , by the next morning Peter will be left with virtually no strength.  Luke 5 vs 3 says then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon's and asked him to put out a little from the land. Peter had brought his boat to the shore because he was finished for the day but Jesus asked him to push the boat back into the lake. This was not an easy task ,to make it worse Jesus was sitted in the boat which made it heavier. Peter had to summon the last strength he had to push the boat to the sea. Many of us call ourselves christians and we can not remember the last time we spent our strength for Jesus.
A way to use your strength for Jesus is by becoming a worker in your church. Join the ushers, greeters , choirs, cleaners or other departments. The church of God needs workers. We can not expect the pastor to clean the chairs, hoover , be an usher and choir at the same time. We need to support the work of God. A true child of God will be a worker in the house of God. Jesus says in Luke 11 vs 23 , he who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. Are you with Jesus by working with your pastors and church or scattering what Jesus has gathered ? It is God that fills the church but he needs workers to make the church clean and conducive for those He is bringing .
Another thing Peter gave was his freedom. He became a servant in His own boat by giving all his freedom to Jesus. The reason why many do not want to give their life to Christ is because they do not want to give up their freedom. They want to smoke , make filthy jokes , enjoy their bottle of alcohol and all . They do not want to be told how to live their life. They want to live their life the way they want. Peter served Jesus well , Jesus told him to put the boat out a little he did without question. He asked him to launch into deep , he complied ; Jesus told him to let down his net he obeyed.
Anyone who wants God to move for him must first give up his freedom to Jesus. Once you give your freedom to Jesus , He controls what you do . He tells you can not go to clubs , betting shops or womanize. Once you give your freedom to Jesus , you are not free to live a reckless life ,part of giving your freedom will include giving up your life styles . You have to give up the way you dress ,no more tight fitting skirts and blouses,no more micro mini skirts, no exposure of body parts that needs to be covered. Once He has your freedom , you will not be able to attend parties during church services. If we submit our freedom to Him , we will fulfill our destinies in no time. The secret of David's success is found in Psalm 23 v 5 , He leads me in the paths of righteousness . If the Lord leads you , it is obvious you can not go wrong.
The fifth thing he gave was his family. Anyone who is ready to have a breakthrough that the world will be  called to come and see must put Jesus first. Peter fished all night and you will expect him to go home and see his children and wife but he stayed with Jesus. We will not enjoy Jesus to the fullest until we put Him first in everything we do . A disciple of Jesus told him please let me first go and bury my father and Jesus told him “follow me let the dead bury their own dead”. Our God is a jealous God -Deuteronomy 6 vs 15 , that is why He will not take the second place in any life.
He is either the first in your life or He is not there. Is the Lord asking you to do one thing or other and you are considering what people will say ? Or what your family members will think ? Luke 17 vs 33 says whoever seeks to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life will preserve it. Abraham put God first , that was why he was able to go and sacrifice Isaac before the Lord provided a substitute. The widow of Zarapheth put the prophet of God first before her son . She fed the prophet first before she thought of her son. Every time we put God first He works wonders for us. David put God first before His throne, fame, respect and honor and began to dance in the presence of the Lord. David danced to the extent Michal complained and the Lord got angry and closed the womb of Michal that she died without a child- 2 Samuel 6 vs 22-23. Put God first and you will not be last.
When an individual gives his freedom,time,strength,prized possessions and his family , what is he left with ? Nothing . What makes an individual's life is his /her freedom, time, strength, prized possession and family. To experience God in a way you have never experienced Him, you need to give your life to Christ. A life without Christ is an empty life . People take  take drugs , engage in a reckless life to fill an emptiness within them. Money can not fill the emptiness , so also is status or fame . We have seen the rich and famous die of substance abuse because they were trying to fill a void within them. The only way to fill the void is accept Jesus. Colossians 2 vs 10 says and ye are complete in Him, which is the head of principality and power . Without Him we can do nothing , Philippians 4 vs 13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Without Him strengthening you , you will achieve nothing no wonder Psalm 60 vs 12 says through God we will do valiantly, For It is He who shall tread down our enemies.
If you have not giving your life to Christ why not do so now because tomorrow might too late. If you have once giving your life to Christ and backslidded why not come back to Him because He is waiting to receive you.
The bible said in Romans 3 vs 23 that for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 6 s 23 says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The gift was explained in John 3 vs 16 , For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. What shall we do to be save ? The bible says in Romans 10vs 9 that if you confess with your mouth , Jesus is Lord , and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10 vs 10 – For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with our mouth that you confess and are saved.

Pray this prayer from your heart today!

Dear Jesus , I believe that You died for me and rose again on the third day. I confess I am a sinner. I need your love and forgiveness. Come into my heart . Forgive my sins. I receive Your eternal life. Confirm You love by giving me peace, joy and supernatural love for others, Amen.

Welcome to Christ brethren, Please join a bible believing church.

Samuel Oluwatoki

Please forward this newsletter to a friend, family or colleague . Remember Matthew 10 vs 32 which says whoever confesses me before me , him I will confess before my father who is heaven.

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