Sunday, 13 May 2012

Everything the Lord created has ears

Romans 4 vs 17 – As it is written ,’ I have made thee a father of many nations.’ He is our father in the sight of God , in whom he believed- the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were .
The English Standard Version says God calls into existence the things that do not exist.
God is the creator of all things , Genesis 1 vs 1 says In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ; Colossians 1 vs 16 says For by Him all things were created : things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible , whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities ;all things were created by Him and for Him. God is the ultimate Creator , He created all things for His pleasure. The book of Revelations 4 vs 11 says Thou art worthy , our Lord and God , to receive glory, honor, and power , because you have created all things , and by your pleasure they exist and were created , Amen.
By definition, the ear is the organ that detects sound and also aids in balance and body position. Everything the Lord created has ears, living and non- living things , objects and particles just name it. In Genesis 1 vs 11-12, The Lord gave out an instruction to the earth to bring forth grass ,herbs that yield seed , and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its king and the earth did as it was told . The earth heard the instruction of God and brought forth grass,herbs and fruit trees.
The Lord said in Deuteronomy 30 vs 19 , I call heaven and earth as witness this day against you , that I have set before you life and death , blessing and cursing : therefore choose life , that both you and your descendants may live. The Lord would not have called the heavens and the earth if He knew they would not hear Him? We hear through our ears. In Deuteronomy 32 vs 1 , Moses said ‘give ear , O heavens, and I will speak; and hear , O earth , the words of my mouth ‘. Moses knew that heavens and earth has ears . I speak today that the heavens and the earth will begin to favor you in Jesus name, Amen.
Lazarus suddenly fell sick and Jesus was informed . In John 10 vs 11 , Jesus Christ assured his disciples that the sickness was a temporary thing and it will not lead to death but before you know it , death snatched him away. After 4 days Jesus Christ decided to visit Lazarus, when He got there , Lazarus was dead . He was not just dead but brain dead for 4 days . When Jesus got to where he was buried , He shouted Lazarus and death heard the voice of Jesus and he released Lazarus. The bible records in John 11 vs 43 that Lazarus came out still bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was still wrapped with a cloth.Jesus later asked them to loose him and let him go .
Sarah was 90 years old when the Lord visited Abraham. The last thing on her mind was getting pregnant . She actually laughed when the Lord told Abraham in Genesis 18 vs 11 that at the time of Life that she will have a son .She had not menstruated in 25 years besides that , both of them were well advanced in age and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing – Genesis 18 vs 11 . When the Lord told Abraham that Sarah will conceive , he was indirectly speaking to the body of Abraham and Sarah. The body of Sarah that had been sleeping for 25 years heard the voice of God and everything that had slept woke up . The body that was considered old at 89 years heard the voice of God and a baby came out of that same body at 90 . She lived for another 31 years after the Lord spoke !Sarah died at the age of 120 – Genesis 23 vs 1 .
In Mark 4 vs 35 – 40 , Jesus was sleeping when a great windstorm arose and the sea waves began to beat into the boat. The disciples began to panic so they woke Jesus Christ up . When he woke up , he rebuked the wind and and said to the sea , peace be still . The wind heard and was stood still. The bible recorded in Mark 4 vs 39 that the wind ceased and there was a great calm. The wind that was misbehaving simply heard the word of God and started behaving itself.I pray that the Lord will rebuke every storm in your life in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen .
The Lord sent a prophet to Bethel to prophesy against an altar. As the man of God was prophesying , King Jeroboam heard the prophecy and stretched out his hand to the man of God saying ‘arrest him’ , this displeased God .The Most High told Jeroboam’s hand to remain stretched until further notice. All effort by Jeroboam to withdraw his hands proved abortive . The bible said in 1 Kings 13 vs 4 that his hand which he stretched against the man of God could not pull back to himself. Thank God for His mercy ,the King pleaded with the man of God and the hand was restored. I pray today that every hand pointing against you will wither in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Nobody prays to be sick for a second talk less of been sick for a week. Everyone loves progress , everyone wants to move from good to better and from better to best .The man at the pool of Bethesda was sick for 38 years and in that 38 year his situation had gone from bad to worse. He was lonely , sick , poor ,unhappy to mention a few . Everyone who saw him knew that he was suffering, the bible said when Jesus saw him lying there, he knew had been in that condition for so long -John 5 vs 6 . Out of compassion Jesus asked the man , do you want to be made whole ? the man began to explain to Jesus that an angel normally comes from time to time to stir the water. Jesus could not endure this man in his state of pain for another minute so he simple told him to rise and walk . The body that had stopped functioning for over 38 years heard the voice of Jesus and began to function . The situation that had never improved in a long time began to improve. The Man took his bed and walk.I pray today that everything that has stopped functioning in your life will begin to function in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Everything the Lord created has ears. Jesus even confirmed that in Matthew 17 vs 20 that we can say to a mountain to move from here to there and the mountain would move. This means even mountains have ears too .
Revelations 4 vs 11 says everything was created for the pleasure of God, Colossians 1 vs 16 says he created everything for Himself. He can command everything he created to begin to bless a man and He can also tell them to fight a Man. In 2 Samuel 8 , the armies of Israel began to fight the servants of David. The Lord commanded the forest to fight on behalf of David. The bible records in 2 Samuel 8 vs 18 that the forest killed more people than the sword devoured.
Matthew 11 vs 15 says He that hath ears, let him hear. Most people say they believe in God but not Jesus. Jesus said in John 10 vs 30 that He and the Father are one. There is no other way to God except through Jesus. Jesus is the way , the truth and the Life ; no one goes to the Father except through him-John 14 vs
If you want everything the Lord created to obey you when you speak to them just abide in Jesus, John 15 vs 7 says abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. If you have not giving your life Christ why not do so now. The bible says in Matthew 10 vs 40 that he who receives Jesus receives God . If anyone refuses Jesus ,he is indirectly telling God you are not welcome. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 12 vs 30 that ‘anyone who is not with me is against me’. That is to say anyone who is not with Jesus is against God. He also said anyone who is not gathering with Him is scattering what He has gathered- Matthew 12 vs 30 . We are either gathering with Jesus or scattering what Jesus has gathered. We gather with him by witnessing about Him (Jesus) to our friends, families and the whole world. If we choose not to witness about Jesus , we are indirectly sending people away from Christ. Please ask yourself this question , are you gathering with Christ ( preaching the gospel) or scattering what Christ has gathered ( not preaching the gospel) ? If you have not been preaching the gospel please repent today and start witnessing to people about Christ.
If you have not giving your life to Christ , it is not too late . He will forgive all your sins , did I hear ALL ? Yes all .If you have giving your life before and backslidden ,Jesus wants to take you back.
You can do so now by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is lord . Please pray this prayer with me : Lord Jesus, I give myself to You,for You to be my only Lord and Savior. I renounce and repudiate all other loyalties, and I desire no other Lord but You. Please come into me and take control of my life. Mold me to your will and to your use. I ask that you drive out all other spirits which conflict with you in anyway. I want to belong only to you, to be subject only to you. I make this prayer to you, in your name ,the name of Jesus . Amen .
Welcome to Christ brethren , Please join a bible believing church.
Samuel Oluwatoki
Note : You are free to forward this message to all your friends remember Matthew 10:32 says whoever confesses me before men , him I will confess before my father who is in heaven.

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