Again and again we come across several phrases in the bible , one of
them is IN THE SIGHT OF GOD or before God. Three kings found them selves
in a situation that required divine attention .They had walked around
in a wilderness for 7 days and they got tired. They were in the middle
of nowhere with no water at all. They called on a man of God (Elisha)
.He asked them to litter the valley with ditches because God had
promised to fill the valley and this will be done without rain or wind. 2
Kings 2 :18 – Elisha told the Kings that filling a valley with water
without rain is a simple matter in the sight of God. What he was saying
in a nutshell was doing the impossible was a simple thing before God or
by God’s standard nothing is impossible.Do you know by the standard of
God that your situation that looks impossible is a simple matter . When
God told Abraham that Sarah would be a nursing mother by the time next
year ,Sarah Laughed . Why did she laughed , she was around 89 years old
when the Lord spoke and had stopped menstrating for over 29 years
!Genesis 18: 14 – the Lord asked anything is too hard for him i.e. by
his standards is there anything called impossiblity ? You all know that
rest of the story . I pray that God who specializes in making the
impossible possible will make all the impossibles your life possibles in
Jesus name. Please let us always remember to ask him because by his
standards your matter is a simple matter! Genesis 18:3 – Abraham asked
for favor in the sight of God ( favor by God’s standards ) and a divine
visitation, we know when the Most High decides to pay you a visit all
past prayers are answered.
God sees things different from the way we see things , he Sarah’s
impossible situation as possible .To him filling several ditches with
water without rain is a simple matter.
Gen 6:11 -The earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was
filled with violence . In this bible passage we see God looking at the
earth and he found it very corrupt or it was corrupt in his sight. In
the sight of men of that was the way to live -in violence and been
corrupt. If the people of the earth at this time saw things the way God
sees things they would have changed their ways but they did not .What
was right to them was an abomination to God. In our places of work , we
do not work by our own standards or do things our way but the way the
company wants it to be done. In our places of work we are expected to
conduct ourselves in certain ways , we may like or not but in the sight
of the company that is how we expected to behave once we get home we can
do things our way. Every time we misbehave in the sight of the
organization, we are either disciplined or dismissed. If we are
un-willing to conduct ourselves well in the sight of the organization
there will be problem. Brethren the same thing applies to us as
christians .We are expected to conduct ourselves according to the
standards of God not our standards. Sir /Ma It is not negotiable ,it is
either His way or no way . We can do things our way and we will get our
own results but we can do it His way and get His results. If we want Him
to command his blessings to begin to chase us until they overtake us (
Deuteronomy 28:2) we must obey him. Galatians 6:7 – do not waste your
time it is what you sow that you will reap ,if we do right things
(righteousness)in his sights then he will bless us. It does not matter
how long we have been christains it is those who love him in his sight
that he will love – Proverbs 8:17 . Sir /Ma let us forget church titles
it only those who honor him (in his sight ) that he will honor (1 Samuel
2:30) . Deuteronomy 6:18 -and you shall do what is right in the sight
of the Lord, that it may be well with you and that you may go in and
possess the good land of which the lord swore to your fathers. Brethren
if want it to be well with us we need to do what is right in the sight
of the lord not our sight or community’s sight. Christians dont return
evil for evil.1 Peter 3:9 -not returning evil for evil or reviling for
reviling , but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to
this , that you will inherit a blessing;1 Thessalonians 5:15 – see that
no one renders evil to evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good
both for yourselves and for all; Romans 12:19 – beloved, do not avenge
yourselves, but rather give place to wrath, vengeance is mine , I will
repay says the Lord.
Christians dont keep malice or grudges ,Mattew 5:23-24 – before you
offer offerings to God go and reconcile with everyone you are fighting
with. We should have place in our heart to forgive everyone regardless
,Matthew 6:12 – the only condition to get forgiveness is to forgive.
Brethren as a believer we should always conduct ourselves in the best
way ,Philippians 4:5 – let your gentleness be known to all man . The
Lord is at hand. When we conduct or dress or act in a way that is not
befitting for christains lets us not say Christianity is in the heart.It
is a lie and its not biblically . Mattew 7:16 – ye shall know them by
their fruits, do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles . We
can not be doing things like the children of darkness and say
christianity is in the heart. Proverbs 20:11 – even a child is known by
his deeds , whether what he does is pure and right .
1 Samuel 24:13 – as the old saying goes, From evildoers come evil
deeds ;Luke 6:43 no good trees bears bad fruit nor bad tree bear a good
God measures us by his standards not ours , do we do things that are
terrible in the sight of the lord and we call our selves christains ? Do
we talk the way God expects us to talk ? Do we pray the way God expects
us to pray ? By Gods standards are we kind , merciful, loving ,
forgiving, giving and caring ? The work assigned to us in the church do
we do it to our own standards or to the standards of God ? In that place
of God do you that job that God has giving to you to your standards or
to the standards of God ? Do you treat that your wife according to Gods
standards or your mood ? Do you treat that your husband according to
Gods standard or the period of the month ? Do you smile because it is
the right thing to do or do you smile sincerely and radiate the love of
christ ?
The only to God is through Jesus and that is Standard . John 3:16
says for God so loved the whole that he gave his only begotten son that
whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 14: 6 – Jesus said to him , I am the way , the truth and the life.
No one comes to the father except through me. The only way in the sight
of God is the Jesus. Families and friends may fail you but Jesus never
fails . The help you can get from your families or friends is limited
and dependent of so many factors but with Jesus he is limitless. Why not
give Jesus a trial today ? Brethren if you have not giving your life to
Christ I will like to invite you to do so now. If you have backslidden
the lord wants to take you back too. For those that have not giving
their life to Christ, God wants to establish his covenant with you
.Romans 6:23 -says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God. Isaiah 1:18-says come now and let us reason together , though your
sins are like scarlet , they shall be as white as know;Matthew 11;28-
come to me , all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest. Jesus Christ loves sinners but hates their sins. John 10:10-says
the thief does not come except to steal and to destroy . I have come
that they may have life , and that they may have it more abundantly. If
you have not giving your life to Christ , it is not too late . He will
forgive all your sins , did I hear ALL ? Yes all .If you have giving
your life before and backslidden ,Jesus wants to take you back.
You can do so now by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is lord .
Please pray this prayer with me : Lord Jesus, I give myself to You,for
You to be my only Lord and Savior. I renounce and repudiate all other
loyalties, and I desire no other Lord but You. Please come into me and
take control of my life. Mold me to your will and to your use. I ask
that you drive out all other spirits which conflict with you in anyway. I
want to belong only to you, to be subject only to you. I make this
prayer to you, in your name ,the name of Jesus . Amen .
Welcome to Christ brethren , Please join a bible believing church.
Samuel Oluwatoki
Note : You are free to forward this message to all your friends
remember Matthew 10:32 says whoever confesses me before men , him I will
confess before my father who is in heaven.
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