Isaiah 66 vs 13a – As a mother comforts her child , so will I comfort you.
It is very rare to see God comparing himself to man but in the verse
above he compares the way He comforts to the way a mother comforts her
God can not be compared to any one because the Lord himself said in
Isaiah 45 vs 5-6 that I am the Lord, and there is no other , apart form
me there is no God, from the rising of the sun to its setting there is
none besides Me. When Moses ask the Lord for a name in case the children
of Israel decides to ask him who sent him,the Lord told him I AM THAT I
AM – Exodus 3 vs 14 . Hannah the mother of Samuel even confessed in 1
Samuel 2 vs 2 that there is no Rock like our God. The Lord was only
trying to praise our mothers and letting them know He sees the way they
have been comforting the children He gave to them.
Some men may be wondering if God ever compared himself to a father ,
well in Psalm 103 vs 13, He said As a father has compassion on his
children , so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him . Fathers
the Lord sees you effort too . God is also a father too because in the
books of Psalm 68 vs 5 , the bible calls him the a Father to the
Fatherless and in Deuteronomy 10 vs 18, the bible says he defends the
cause of the fatherless and the widows, So let somebody shout Hallelujah
Mothers can decide the destiny of a child. In Exodus 2 vs 1 – 10 , we
see a mother who risked her life for her son . Pharaoh had ordered that
every male child born to the Hebrews be cast in to the river but the
mother of Moses refused to throw her son into the river. It was not an
easy task to keep him especially when other mothers were forced to throw
their children in the river. The mother of moses persisted and did
everything in her hand to keep him alive. If not for her , Moses would
not have fulfilled his destiny of leading the children of Israel out of
Jacob was destined to be a mighty nation. He was created for
greatness .The blessings of Abraham and Isaac were meant to be his but
by virtue of birth he lost it to Esau his twin brother who was the
senior and the blessing of the father goes to the firstborn. To
compound matters he lacked skills ,the bible records in Genesis 25 vs 27
that Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field but Jacob was only a
mild man ,dwelling in tenths . As if that was enough , Isaac his father
did not think much of him but really loved Esau because he ate of his
game – Genesis 28 vs 28 . The only thing Jacob had going for him was the
love of his mother . A day came , Isaac decided to reward his son-Esau
for all the game he had eaten, so he asked Esau to go and kill a game
and bring it that he may bless him. Rebekah had this and quickly called
Jacob and they planned something . Before Esau came Jacob had received
all the blessings . By the time we get to Genesis 27 vs 37 , Isaac was
telling Esau that he made Jacob head over him .
The mother of Jabez did not set out to curse her son but due to birth
pains she saw Jabez as a painful experience so she called him Jabez
meaning born out of pain.From that day onward Jabez became an agent of
pain but thank God he prayed and the Lord answered him. I pray that Lord
will remove all the pains in your life in Jesus name, amen.
The mother of King Lemuel in Proverbs 13 vs 1- end knew that her son
had colorful destiny so she began to teach him how to live and behave so
that he will fulfill his destiny. In 2 Samuel 12 vs 25 Solomon was
named by God as Jedidiah meaning the beloved of the most hign . Solomon
was destined to be the wisest king that ever lived. Adonijah , one of
Davids son suddenly decided to make himself king and the David did not
really mind but thank God for Nathan who went to go and meet Solomons
mother and advised her. The mother of Solomon – Bethsheba met with King
david , before the end of that day Solomon was made a king.
Do you know that Mary the Mother of Jesus also played an important role
in the ministry of Jesus. Mary was present at the first miracle of Jesus
, when Jesus was saying mother it is not my time , She was telling the
servants in John 2 vs5 that whatever Jesus tells them they should do
it.We know the end of the story that water turned to wine.
God takes mothers seriously . In Proverbs 18 vs 22 , the bible says
he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from God. Since
every wife will eventually become a mother, as a wife is a good thing
so also is a mother and mothers are agent of favor from God. Do you know
that Jesus lived his life for mothers while on earth ? All the
miracles, healing, deliverance, food provision was for mothers for
example the mad man of Gatherer who was delivered of a thousand demons
in Mark 5vs1-15 was the son of a mother ,Lazarus who Jesus resurrected
in John 11 vs 39 -44 was the son of a mother , the woman that was healed
of the issue of blood in Matthew 9 vs 20 was a daughter of a mother.
Everything Jesus did was for mothers even the Fig the tree Jesus cursed
in Matthew 21 vs 19 . The Fig tree failed to produce fruit for a Mary’s
‘s son -Jesus Christ to eat so He cursed it. Do you know that when Jesus
overturned the table of the money changers in Matthew 21 vs 12 he was
only trying ensure that the Lord’s wrath will not come on the money
changers because what they were doing was wrong. He was only trying to
ensure that the mothers of those money changers will not weep over them.
Mothers are very important In our lives , that is why we need to always
strive to make them happy because making them happy makes God happy.The
bible says in Ephesians 6 vs 2 that we should honor our fathers and
mothers as it is not only a commandment but there is a blessing attached
to it. In Exodus 20 vs 12 the bible say the only way to long life is by
honoring our fathers and mothers. Deuteronomy 5 vs 16 says that all
those who want it to be well with them should honor their fathers and
mothers . If you are not in talking terms with your father or mother you
better go and apologize to them . If there is anyone going through any
difficulty or problem , they should go and meet their parents and ask
them to bless them. God is not happy with any child fighting or
disobeying their parents.
Our mothers are good. They love us but they can only do little to
help us.Our mothers can love us and comfort us but they can not protect
us from diseases like cancer but our God can not only protect from
diseases but he can heal diseases because He said in Exodus 15 vs 26
that He is the Lord that heals. Every mothers wants her child to be
promoted in their places of work but there is little they can do but the
bible says in Psalm 75 vs 6-7 that exaltation comes neither from the
east nor west nor south but from God who is the Judge, He puts down one
and exalt another . Although our mothers love to cook and feed us but
the only One who satisfy us according to Isaiah 58 vs 11 is God.
Mothers do a lot for their kids but as they grow old their strength
diminishes according to Isaiah 40 vs 28 our God never grows tired or
weary . Every mother has a mother. Every mother came to this world
through a mother . The whole mothers depend on God because He has
promised them in Isaiah 46 vs 4 that he will carry them even to their
gray hairs. It is possible for a mother to forget her child but Lord can
not forget you -Isaiah 49 vs 15 .
No mother can save except Jesus . The only person who died for us is
Jesus Christ. The bible said in John 3 vs 16 that out of love God sent
Jesus Christ to die for us and that whosoever will believe in him will
not die but have everlasting life. Jesus said in Matthew 11 vs 28 that
come to me , all you who labor and heavy laden ,and I will give you
rest. This call is for everyone , children , fathers ,aunties , uncles,
sisters including mothers.Come and give your life to Christ and begin
to enjoy rest.
If you have not giving your life to Christ , it is not too late . He
will forgive all your sins , did I hear ALL ? Yes all .If you have
giving your life before and backslidden ,Jesus wants to take you back.
You can do so now by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is lord .
Please pray this prayer with me : Lord Jesus, I give myself to You,for
You to be my only Lord and Savior. I renounce and repudiate all other
loyalties, and I desire no other Lord but You. Please come into me and
take control of my life. Mold me to your will and to your use. I ask
that you drive out all other spirits which conflict with you in anyway. I
want to belong only to you, to be subject only to you. I make this
prayer to you, in your name ,the name of Jesus . Amen .
Welcome to Christ brethren , Please join a bible believing church.
Samuel Oluwatoki
Note : You are free to forward this message to all your friends
remember Matthew 10:32 says whoever confesses me before men , him I will
confess before my father who is in heaven.
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