Thursday, 17 May 2012

A touch from God

Jeremiah 1 vs 9 – Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: ‘ Behold I have put my words in your mouth’ .
According to Jeremiah 1 vs 5 , Jeremiah was ordained as a prophet from his mother’s womb  . When the time take came to  fulfill his destiny , he suddenly noticed that there were  few issues in his life that needed urgent attention , For example because of his age ,he lacked knowledge and understanding . Besides that he lacked speaking etiquette . The Lord knew the young man was indirectly requesting for a touch and He touched him. The boy who had issues with speaking became one of the greatest preacher in the old testament. He preached with passion and at times he would cry – Jeremiah 20 vs 8 .
The touch of God brings multiplication. Jesus touched five loaves of bread and two fishes in Matthew 14 vs 13 -21 and multiplication began. There were twelve baskets left after five thousand men not counting women and children had eaten. Elijah told the widow of Zarapheth in 1 Kings vs 7 -16 to make small loaf of bread for him first , the woman obeyed the prophet of God and the God of Elijah touched her jar of flour and flask of oil and multiplication began. Prior to the touch she was very poor and as such she was lonely. It is a terrible thing to live in poverty even the bible says in Proverbs 19 vs 7 that a poor man’s brothers hate him; how much more do his friends go far from him! He pursues them with words , but does not have them . The woman who could not afford a meal suddenly had enough to for herself and child to eat and even give out. Proverbs 14 vs 20 says the rich has many friends, her circle of friends increased and loneliness became a thing of the past because her jar of flour and flask of oil was never empty .When the whole city were  crying and complaining all she was doing was singing I am serving a living God. I pray that you will sing such a song in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
The book of John 5 vs 1-16 talks about a man who was sick for 38 years. For 38 years this man did not make any progress in life ,anyway what sort of progress can a man who is confined to a sick bed make. He had dreams , he wanted to be come something in life  but his sickness robbed him of all this . Basically his sickness put a stop to every thing that could bring him joy but after the Almighty touched him,  his story changed. The man who had never known joy for 38 years suddenly began to dance. He had never walked in 38 years but now he began jump for joy. Proverbs 13 vs 12 says hope deferred makes the heart sick but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. The man who was literally dieing could now be described as a tree of life. He had a change of residence from a sick bed to health . The dream of perfect health he had been nursing for 38 years finally became a reality. I pray that all those dreams of making it in life, getting a job ,taking your child for dedication, exchanging wedding vows , fulfilling God’s plan , securing your marriage will be come reality today in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Samara endured a period of famine because they were under the siege of the king of Syria. Food was so scarce that people began to sell  birds droppings as food -2 kings 6 vs 25 . Those who could not afford it began to eat their children. We do not need to be told that the King was sad. The bible said in Proverbs 15 vs 30 that good news gives health to the bones. Bad news brought sickness on the inhabitants of Samaria . The people cried to God and He answered. He touched their situation and within 24 hours the people began to live in abundance. The touch brought a transfer of wealth from the Syrian economy to Samaria.First of all The Lord touched the heart of four lepers who were sitting at the entrance of the gate. They suddenly began to think differently , people who were scared of death suddenly grew so bold that they decided to walk to the camp of the Syrians. As they began to walk the Lord touched the hear of the Syrians and they began to hear strange noises. They heard noises of great army and they ran away leaving gold, garments and horses . The man who had no horse suddenly had five, the people who had been eating the bird’s dropping (faeces ) began to eat nice food and drink wine. A whole nation who sat on ashes weeping began to change from garments and dance for Joy. My Father and Lord will touch your situation and there will a turn around in your situation in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
A touch from the Most High God can change situations. The water at Marah was very bitter. The bible said in Exodus 15 vs 23 -25 that the area got its name from that water. Everything around this water became bitter . A single touch change the name of this area from Marah meaning bitterness to sweetness . This touch can change the physical composition of an object ,the Most High touched a pile of clay and it became a man-Genesis 2 vs 7 . The bible says that the touch can cause children to come out of a rock- Luke 3 vs 8 . The same river Peter fished all night and caught nothing , just a single touch from Jesus Christ led to a turn around. The bible said in Luke 5 vs 1 -11 that they caught so much fish that  two boats began to sink, Peter had no choice than to call for help . I am believing  that the  Lord will bless myself and someone to the extent we will need an extra hand to carry our blessing in Jesus name, Amen. I belief that person is you , Amen.
The mad man of Gadara lost the control of His mind to demons. According to Mark 5 vs 1-20, He had over five thousands demons residing in him. This mad man refused to live in the city and began to live in the tomb. Within few minutes after the touch the man became normal again and people could not recognize him again.
Solomon after offering a thousand burnt offerings in 2 Chronicles 1 vs 6-12 received a visitation form the Lord. The Lord asked Solomon what he wanted and he requested for wisdom . The Lord touched his brains and he became a genius. The man became so wise that the bible recorded that he spoke three thousand proverbs and wrote a thousand and five tracks. If Solomon was to release an album with twelve tracks, He would have released over one hundred and twenty-five albums. The Lord touched the legs of Elijah in 1 Kings 18 vs 46 and he outran the king’s chariot. Elisha received a touch and became filled with power. Elisha could hear conversations taking place several thousands miles away. When the king of Syria began to question his officers about who was informing the king of Israel about his plans , an officer told the King that it was Elisha. The officer said the man of God hears the conversation the king has in his bedroom – 2 Kings 6 v s12 . Some armies were asked to go and arrest Elisha in 2 Kings 1 vs 9-15 . The man of God simply called fire to roast them and fire came from heaven and consumed them. It got to a stage that the angel of the Lord had to appeal to Elisha to seize fire.
Someone might I ask that can God touch me and how can I get a touch from the Almighty . God is willing to touch everyone . The only thing is that it comes with responsibilities. The Lord touches people to glorify Himself in their lives. Moses pleased God to the extent that when He asked to see to God physically , God had no choice than to honor his request. The Lord told Moses in Exodus 33 vs 17 -23 ,that the result of what you have asked for is death but I will arrange something. Whether you believe it or not Moses saw something no man had ever seen before . The Lord is ready to be more than a God but a Father and a Friend. When the Lord is your Friend, He shares His secrets with you . He can speak with you like a father speaks to His son . He is the best friend any man can have and the worst enemy any man can have. The bible said in Hebrew 10 vs 31 says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. His touch can bring healing and the same touch can cause pain. His hands can be light and the can be heavy too. He touched the host of the Egyptians in Exodus 14 vs 24 -25 and they were stuck in the read sea. The Lord drowned them over night.
Miriam was a respected prophetess of God who was used mightily by God. She sinned and despised a man of God and the Lord touched her in Numbers 12 vs 10- 13 .She became a leper immediately. The once mighty prophetess did not prophesy again till she died. The story of Miriam is a lesson to everyone. No man is greater than his source which is God. He can appeal to a man to give his life to Jesus and if the man refuses he can take any decision. One thing to know is that , The Most High God is not a gentleman. If you do not believe me , ask Sennacherib the king of Assyria. This king had a great army so he thought he was untouchable. He began to torment the people of Judah and  they reported him to The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (God) and He sent an angel to this king. In between eight hours , this great king lost one hundred and eighty-five thousand armies. The next morning he left quietly back to Assyria .
Thank God for His mercies. The bible says in Lamentations 3 vs 32 that though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies. According to Psalm 89 vs 14 mercy and truth go before His face. Psalm 78 vs 38 -39 says God in his compassion can forgive all iniquities, instead of destroying people he turns his anger because he remembers that we were but flesh. Psalm 103 vs 11 say as the heavens are high above the earth , so great is His Mercy toward those that fear him.
Romans 6 vs 1 says shall we continue in sin and ask for grace to abound ? shall we continue to disobey Him and ask Him to shower his mercies on us ?
The bible said in Romans 3 vs 23 that for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 6 s 23 says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The gift was explained in John 3 vs 16 , For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. What shall we do to be save ? The bible says in Romans 10vs 9 that if you confess with your mouth , Jesus is Lord , and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10 vs 10 – For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with our mouth that you confess and are saved.
Pray this prayer from your heart today!
Dear Jesus , I believe that You died for me and rose again on the third day. I confess I am a sinner. I need your love and forgiveness. Come into my heart . Forgive my sins. I receive Your eternal life. Confirm You love by giving me peace, joy and supernatural love for others, Amen.
Welcome to Christ brethren, Please join a bible believing church.
Samuel Oluwatoki
You are free to forward this message . Remember Matthew 10 vs 32 which says whoever confesses me before me , him I will confess before my father who is heaven.

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